Nothing earth-shattering to report today, but some good news:
Postgres is cheaper¶

It’s been over a year since we first tentatively launched our postgres service, and we’ve found that we’re able to optimise the service so that it scales better than we thought, so we’re pleased to pass on the cost savings to you.
Postgres is now $7/month instead of $15. That price will apply to all new plans and upgrades, and we’ll also start applying the new price to existing users for their next bill. So that more moolah in your pockets dear users, don’t spend it all at once ;)
MySQL infrastructure changes¶
These changes won’t really be very visible from the user point of view, so this isn’t very interesting to you, beloved readers, per se, but it took us loads of time and effort so we have to say something to make it all feel worthwhile and satisfy our own egos. Anyways, we made some changes to the way we shard users amongst MySQL servers in our clusters, which mean it’s now much easier for us to add extra MySQL capacity whenever we want to.
For the curious, did you know that (depending on your OS and config), filesystem limits on the number of hard links in a single directory might limit you to a maximum of 32,000 databases on a single mysql instance? Not that we ever came anywhere near that, but still, good to know. #tipsforpaasproviders. console now Python 3.5¶
Our live consoles on the front page are now Python 3.5 instead of 3.4. We’ve also made them “regular” Python consoles instead of IPython (which was always a slightly weird decision, even though IPython is all awesome and everything, but a regular Python console is what new users are most likely to see, and ours do have tab-completion switched on you know?)
Onwards and upwards folks! In our next iteration we hope to be able to release a first beta of an API for PythonAnywhere. Watch this space :)