How to use shared in-browser consoles to cooperate while working remotely.

One of the challenges of remote work is when you need to work together on one thing.

Our in-browser consoles are one of the core features of our service. Almost since the beginning, PythonAnywhere has been able to share consoles – you entered the name of another user or an email address, and they got an email telling them how to log in and view your Python (or Bash, or IPython) console. If you use an email, the person you invite doesn’t have to be PythonAnywhere registered user.

When you open a console, there is a button on the top right that says “Share with others”

…which should popup a dialog box when you click on it.

I may invite one or many persons. Some of them can have full access, some of them read-only.

In the shared console, you share not only what you see, but also a cursor – so people that it’s shared with can also type into it. That can be prevented if you share your console in “read-only” mode. You may later revoke the sharing using the same button and dialog box.

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