New stuff!
May 29, 2012
by giles
We’ve just released a new version of PythonAnywhere. The visible changes are two bugfixes:
- Your web apps should now be much more reliable; previously, a busy web application could start hitting the process/thread limit quite quickly, which was obviously unacceptable. This should not happen any more.
- Web2Py apps generated from our quick-start wizard sometimes didn’t work properly. That’s been sorted too.
These are good changes and we’re proud of them. But we’re even more proud of one other change… it’s something we’ve been working hard on for the last couple of weeks, and it’s going through a final round of testing before we make the official announcement… more soon!
May 21, 2012
by giles
Djangofriendly is a really useful community resource – a list of web hosting companies that actively support Django. Naturally, PythonAnywhere fits the bill, and Ryan Berg has been kind enough to add us. Thanks, Ryan!
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Press Release
May 18, 2012
by giles
We’ve just published our first press release. Here’s what it says…
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Improved console responsiveness, flask quickstart, and hosting accounts!
May 17, 2012
by giles
We’ve just released a new version of PythonAnywhere. Here are the details…
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HTTPS everywhere
May 1, 2012
by hansel
One concern with PythonAnywhere until now was that the connection between your browser and the server was not encrypted – although it’s unlikely, it was possible that someone could see what you were typing. This was obviously a Bad Thing, but it was hard to fix – encrypting the web pages alone would have been easy, but the console connections run over a different protocol and some of the underlying software that PythonAnywhere depends on didn’t work properly when run in encrypted mode.
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Hosting accounts for the price of Premium
Apr 27, 2012
by harry
We’ve spent the last few days battling PayPal’s systems and finding out that supporting Hosting accounts (which will let you host a Python web application on your own domain) as well as Premium account isn’t quite as easy as we thought it would be.
But the only delay in releasing the own-domain feature was sorting out the pricing – all of the code to actually do the work was there and ready to go.
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Running headless Selenium browser tests on PythonAnywhere with Xvfb
Apr 24, 2012
by harry
You can now run Selenium tests from PythonAnywhere, using a virtual display.
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About this blog
Apr 24, 2012
by glenn
This blog contains the latest news for users of PythonAnywhere – new features, new ideas, product direction, and how it’s being used.
iPads! (and web2py quickstart)
Apr 5, 2012
by hansel
Lots of people have told us that they want to use PythonAnywhere on their iPads. So we’ve been hard at work over the last week or so getting everything as polished as we can – so as of today, PythonAnywhere serves up a special version for you if you hit it with the latest Cupertino shiny… let us know what you think! Better Android and iPhone support is in the works.
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Django quickstart
Apr 2, 2012
by harry
We’re keen on getting people started quickly with Django, so what could be better than a Django quickstart button? As of today, with only a little more than one click, you can create a template website to hack to your heart’s content.