Latest deploy: new stylings, editor fixes, and our API beta
Jun 24, 2016
by harry
Morning all! A lovely day for leave-ing an old server image behind and welcoming in a new, independent, codebase. #brupgrade #brelease #breployment.
Style tweaks, improvements to responsiveness
On a bit of a whim we decided to upgrade to bootstrap 3, so you’ll notice slightly different stylings. Flat buttons! Oh-so-3-years-ago. But also, there are some improvements to the way the site displays on mobile and smaller displays, which is nice.
We also upgraded to the latest version of the ace editor, which should bring a few little improvements too, like better vim keybindings, and better support for ipads (you can now scroll, yay!)
API beta
It’s not ready for prime-time yet, but we’ve started work on a PythonAnywhere API. It may end up not being something we publish for general use, and just something for us to use behind the scenes, but if you’re keen to take a look, get in touch, and we’ll switch it on for you. Currently the API allows you to do stuff to your web apps, namely:
- create new web app
- reload web app
- update webapp settings: virtualenv, static files.
You should bear in mind that anything you build using that api will probably break when we next do a release, we’re making no guarantees about backward-compatibility, or that the api will even work as it is. So really it’s just for playing around or for the curious for now. Still, email us if you’re interested, we’d love to hear from you.
Other changes
- There’s now a UI for updating the working directory and source files location for your web apps.
- The editor now gives you a useful warning when you try and save if you’re over your quota (and it no longer deletes your whole file, which some consider a bonus)
- We’ve made some changes to try and make it easier for us to deal with forum spam. ugh.
- and a few assorted minor bugfixes.
Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. Enjoy!
The PythonAnywhere newsletter, June 2016
Jun 2, 2016
by giles
Summer is just around the corner in the northern hemisphere – here in London we
can tell because the rain is just that little bit warmer. We’re taking full
advantage of the lighter and later grey in the sky by working even longer hours to
make PythonAnywhere better. How? Just read on…
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Today's upgrade - postgres price drop, mysql scaling improvements
May 18, 2016
by harry
Nothing earth-shattering to report today, but some good news:
Postgres is cheaper
It’s been over a year since we first tentatively launched our postgres service, and we’ve found that we’re able to optimise the service so that it scales better than we thought, so we’re pleased to pass on the cost savings to you.
Postgres is now $7/month instead of $15. That price will apply to all new plans and upgrades, and we’ll also start applying the new price to existing users for their next bill. So that more moolah in your pockets dear users, don’t spend it all at once ;)
MySQL infrastructure changes
These changes won’t really be very visible from the user point of view, so this isn’t very interesting to you, beloved readers, per se, but it took us loads of time and effort so we have to say something to make it all feel worthwhile and satisfy our own egos. Anyways, we made some changes to the way we shard users amongst MySQL servers in our clusters, which mean it’s now much easier for us to add extra MySQL capacity whenever we want to.
For the curious, did you know that (depending on your OS and config), filesystem limits on the number of hard links in a single directory might limit you to a maximum of 32,000 databases on a single mysql instance? Not that we ever came anywhere near that, but still, good to know. #tipsforpaasproviders. console now Python 3.5
Our live consoles on the front page are now Python 3.5 instead of 3.4. We’ve also made them “regular” Python consoles instead of IPython (which was always a slightly weird decision, even though IPython is all awesome and everything, but a regular Python console is what new users are most likely to see, and ours do have tab-completion switched on you know?)
Onwards and upwards folks! In our next iteration we hope to be able to release a first beta of an API for PythonAnywhere. Watch this space :)
Scaling a startup from side project to 20 million hits/month - an interview with creator Kaustubh
May 12, 2016
by harry
We recently wished farewell to a customer who had been with us for about 18 months, during which time he saw some incredible growth in what was originally just a side project. We spoke to him about how he found the experience of scaling on PythonAnywhere, and why he decided to move on.
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Anatomy of a bug
May 6, 2016
by giles
We recently fixed a problem in our website hosting code that was causing weird
errors under very specific and rare circumstances. The problem had been there
for several years, and – while we knew that odd stuff happened every now and
then – we’d never been able to reproduce it reliably enough to debug it. But a
lucky coincidence of circumstances, when two people tripped over the bug in
quick succession, clarified the issues and let us work out the solution.
It’s an interesting tale, so we thought we’d share it.
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The PythonAnywhere newsletter, April 2016
Apr 19, 2016
by giles
Spring is here, we’re filled with good intentions, and here is another newsletter,
almost exactly a month after the previous one, which is 800% better than our
previous interval.
So other than good intentions, clock changes, and eating too much chocolate, what’s
been going on? Plenty of stuff it turns out, and it’s all for you, dear users.
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System upgrade, 2016-04-12: Python 3.5
Apr 12, 2016
by giles
We upgraded PythonAnywhere today. The big story for this release is that we now support Python 3.5.1 everywhere :-) We’ve put it through extensive testing, but of course it’s possible that glitches remain – please do let us know in the forums or by email if you find any.
There were a few other minor changes – basically, a bunch of system package installs and upgrades:
- mysqlclient for Python 3.x (so now Django should work out of the box with Python 3)
- pyodbc and its lower-level dependencies, so you should be able to connect to Microsoft SQL Servers elsewhere on the Internet.
- pdftk
- basemap for Python 3.x.
- pint
- uncertainties
- flask-openid
- And finally, we’ve upgraded Twilio so that it works properly from free accounts.
The PythonAnywhere newsletter, March 2016
Mar 16, 2016
by glenn
Well, it’s been nine months since our last newsletter and we’ve got a lot to
tell you… Let’s get started.
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Webapps and scheduled task expiries
Mar 16, 2016
by conrad
tl;dr: for free accounts, web apps and scheduled tasks will stop running
after a while if you don’t log in. We’ll email you a warning before this
happens. Here’s why:
Loads of people create free Python websites on PythonAnywhere and this is a
really cool thing. Some of these websites are active ones where people are
hosting their personal stuff, doing academic things, etc., and they want to
keep them running. This is awesome! We want people to do that and we’re happy
to host this stuff for free.
For other use cases, some people may setup a webapp to try out a new web
framework. Their owners may not intend to keep them running forever. That’s
fine too! We’re glad to help people learn.
The problem for us is that we can’t tell which is which.
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Deprecation warning: "mysql.server" hostname being retired
Mar 10, 2016
by harry
Relax everyone! We’re not switching off our mysql service, just switching off
one of the old names it was available under. You’ll still be able to access it,
and more reliably, under the new name, with no downtime. Details follow…
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